Draw pictograms per 1,000 for multi-outcomes

Benefit Outcomes:

Harm Outcomes:

Event number:

Event number:

Relative Importance
of Outcome (Value)

Pictogram for one outcome
Net Benefit =
How to calculate?
Net benefit in value-adjusted cumulative event number = Σ(VBk*ECk)-Σ(VHj*ECj) for comparator; Σ(VBk*EIk)-Σ(VHj*EIj) for intervention. k and j = 1~4.

Difference between these two is net benefit between two arms (Intervention - Comparator).

VBk: Importance of benefit outcome k. ECk: Number of event for outcome k in comparator arm.
VHj: Importance of harm outcome j. ECj: Number of event for outcome j in comparator arm.
EIk and EIj are those in intervention arm. VBk and VHj are ratios to the maximum value (100).