Clinical question. Data input for meta-analysis, an example. RR, RD, OR: C:|100| |50| I:|100| |40| MD: C:|70| |mean:SD| I:|70| |mean:SD| HR: C:|150| | | I:|150| |ln(HR):SE| Click ES for calculation. Menu-->Synthesize for calculation and meta-analysis. When you add studies, you fill in PMIDs separated with comma, then Get Study ID (the first author and year). Add button make rows for the studies with links to PubMed. If you fill in only Study ID, there are no active links.
Right click here to enlarge this field and right click again to put it back.------------- The JavaScrip program is provided through the internet. So you need an access to the internet to use this template. Use Edge or Chrome for Windows10 and Chrome for Mac. This can be used for both randomized controlled trials (RCT) and observational studies. Different items to be assessed are provided. Select "Add study" from the "Menu", fill in PMIDs (comma-separated), "Get", and when the study IDs (the first author and year) appear in the Study ID field, click "RCT" or "OBS" to add studies. If you do not need links to PubMed just fill in Study ID (comma-separated). To do meta-analysis fill in data and "Synthesize" from "Menu". You can select the effect measure and choose Event or Reverse if the outcome is dichotomous. A forest plot and a funnel plot can be saved or copied by right-click on the image. To hide plots, select "Synthesize" from "Menu" again. Don't forget to "Save" from the "Menu" and use the saved HTML file before you begin your work after adding studies. When you save the file with a new file name, open menu comes out by the browser. You can use it. To make a PDF file "Export" from "Menu" and Print PDF from the browser. Edge and Chrome provide a function to make and save a PDF file by Print menu. You can also maka a PDF file with a forest plot and a funnel plot which are draggable to any places. This field is used to record the assessment result of the body of evidence for the outcome. A B C D Risk of bias: Indirectness: Imprecision: Inconsistency: Publication bias:
Risk Ratio
Risk Difference
Odds Ratio
Mean Difference
Std MD
Hazard Ratio
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